It’s Official: I’m Babesia Free!
I started this blog about five (million) times! Where do I even start?! My fingers are jumping with excitement and can’t seem to find the words to land on! But what I mean to say is simple...I AM OFFICIALLY BABESIA FREE, and am officially REALLY excited about it.
So what exactly IS Babesia, anyways?
According to the Center for Disease Control, it is “a disease caused by microscopic parasites that infect red blood cells.” It’s a co-infection of Lyme Disease, and increases its severity and duration. Babesia causes: fatigue, headache, drenching sweats, muscle aches, chest pain, hip pain, shortness of breath, low blood pressure, liver problems, severe anemia (a breakdown of red blood cells), and at its worse leads to heart issues, fluid in the lungs, and kidney failure. Geez, what a list.
In layman’s terms, it’s a bitch.
It’s difficult to diagnose and notoriously difficult to get rid of. It’s one heck of a gnarly thing that invades your system and makes it impossible to get rid of Lyme. And doctors say it’s actually usually MORE impossible to get rid of than lyme itself. And I had been diagnosed with both five years ago. What a horrible and exhausting double-edged sword.
But there’s never been a health sword I couldn’t learn to wield. And so...determined and desperate, I set out on a journey to get rid of my Babesia.
When I got tested last year before starting my protocols, my Babesia levels were off the charts. So much so, that my doctor (who has seen thousands and thousands of patients) looked at me across his desk and said “I have never seen someone with a number this high.” OH GREAT. Here we go.
But eye-on-the-Babesia prize, I started to sleuth my way. I decided to go rogue and do some stuff on my own. I built my immune system, did the GAPS diet, took some homeopathics, and rocked essential oils for six months. I got re-tested. And when the results came in, my doctor looked at me across that very same desk and said “I’ve never seen someone’s level lower this quickly.” And then he asked me what I did. OH YEAH. Here. We. Go.
And there was more to go. What do I do next? I decided to do six weeks of antibiotics. Keep my oils up. And do coffee enemas.
I got re-tested again. But at the same time I started so many new protocols, that I forgot to schedule a check in appointment for the results. I completely forgot about the test, and two months went by.
By happenstance, my doctor had a cancellation this past Thursday. I took the appointment, and thought it’d be good to check in. I sat down and started to fill him in on how the protocols were going. But suddenly as we went over my paperwork he said, “Did I ever tell you about the last test results?” I didn’t even remember what we had done. I said no, I didn’t think so. And he looked at me across that wooden desk again and said “You are 100% free of Babesia. It’s totally gone.”
Wow. My jaw dropped. “Wait. It’s like COMPLETELY gone?!” He said yes, and showed me the tests. I couldn’t believe it. And at the same time I could.
All the sleuthing had worked. I‘ve been trained to sharpen and follow my instincts. And it majorly paid off.
Babesia? Lyme?...One down. One soon to go.