Hydration Health

I drank this bottle first thing after waking up today. And it. Felt. So. Good. I usually just eat breakfast and start my day. And drink some water whenever I remember much later. Hydrating has always been a struggle for me! But today I rolled out of bed and immediately put a bunch of H2O down the hatch.

Back in my hardcore raw vegan days, I would chug down an entire liter every morning. Like clockwork. For years. But I did it because someone told me it was the best thing to do, instead of really feeling it for myself. It would give me good skin and good digestion...okay, sure! I thought if I just did the right thing and did what a health guru said...I would have it made in the wellness shade! But now I believe that health is about a lot more than putting the “right things” into your body.

I’ve learned a lot about how painful it is to give up my own instincts to a doctor, another person’s experience, or what I read on the internet. What an easy way to take zero responsibility for my feelings and my health! And it always leads to temporary results. Outside support and perspective are incredibly helpful!, but not at the expense of what I feel in my gut.

So it was triumphant to drink water right away this morning. Same action, very different feeling! Because this time, it was my hand reaching for that bottle instead of an idea.


Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber: First Experience.


Juice Fast Update Day 25