Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber: First Experience.

Ground Control to Major Tom!

No, I'm not inside a spaceship, although it does look and sound like it. ;) This is actually my current view from inside a Hyberbaric Oxygen Chamber. It's my 2nd of 10 sessions.

HOC Therapy is a medical protocol that enhances the body's natural healing process. You inhale 100% pure O2 in a total body chamber where atmospheric pressure is increased and controlled. It increases the amount of oxygen in the blood, which promotes healing, restores tissue, and fights infection.

I'm using it as part of my lyme treatment, and excited to see what I experience. My 1st time was energizing and trippy...When I got done I felt like I was walking on the moon!

Have you ever tried HBOT? Are you BOT-curious? Would love to hear.


Livin’ That IV Life


Hydration Health